From Kerry, to Buddha:

There is a profound sorrow and emptiness that seeps in when you have said goodbye to your great love. When you have shared so many experiences together, highs and lows, it’s hard to imagine going it alone as you move forward.

To the one who made me feel loved and adored every single day of your life, I am grateful, lucky, forever changed and deeply blessed that you chose me as your person.

Buddha, my handsome man…. You were capable of making me and anyone who met you feel like we were the most important person in your world, whether we were holding a treat or not.

I am shattered by your departure. I know you stayed as long as you could for me but almost twelve years or a hundred will honestly never have been enough. Your heart, love and devotion knew no boundaries. You were pure joy for me on our first day together, our last day together and every single day in between.

I don’t really know how to do life without you and it’s so hard when pieces of you are everywhere I look. “Home” is different now.

The only peace and solace comes from believing you are with Jenna now and knowing neither of you will ever have to walk alone. Show each other your natural graciousness and beautiful ways, leaving trails of stardust everywhere you go.

Forever my main man, Buddha. I love you, I love you, I love you and will miss you forever. Thank you for giving me a life full of love.❤️

I miss you.

Love for an eternity, Mom